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If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization f

EARTHQUAKES, HURRICANES AND A PANDEMIC HAVE HIT THE ISLAND HARD It’s been a difficult stretch for Puerto Rico in the last couple of years. People there have been hit with hurricanes, earthquakes and now a pandemic. But whatever challenge is thrown at our 5,000 members who work at a variety of public and private entities, they know their UAW family is ready to pitch in.
CAMBRIDGE, MA -- Student workers at Harvard University made history today, voting in favor of ratifying their first union contract. The one-year contract agreement with the university will improve pay and benefits for over 4,000 student workers, and guarantee health and safety protections in the midst of a pandemic. The contract strengthens protections for student workers against discrimination and harassment, including racial discrimination and sexual harassment, and includes new provisions aimed at increasing job security for international student workers.
U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider and UAW President Rory Gamble jointly announce that they had a productive and helpful first meeting to begin negotiations to further the cause of reform in the United Auto Workers union. U.S. Attorney Schneider welcomed the opportunity to sit down with the UAW’s President in order to work together toward improving the union for all its members. President Gamble appreciated the chance to meet with the Department of Justice so as to further his efforts at reforming the organization and to ensure integrity in the union’s leadership.
Brothers and Sisters, When I accepted the office of the presidency, I pledged to keep you updated on all of our reforms and progress on restoring our member’s trust in leadership. As you know, we have instituted a comprehensive reforms agenda and top-to-bottom review of our operations and financial house.
Everyone has a role to play in the battle against COVID-19. Whether they are an academic researcher looking for a drug to fight the deadly virus, an autoworker making a quick pivot to manufacture ventilators and masks or shields, a maintenance worker disinfecting the plant, or a health care worker making sure the sick can receive treatment, UAW members are courageously doing what they can to battle COVID-19. They are the heart and soul of the union. Here are just a few of the stories of UAW members stepping up to the challenge the world finds itself in today:
On June 27, 2018, the Supreme Court dealt a major blow to organized labor in the now famous Janus v. AFSCM case
MAY WE NEVER WITNESS THIS AGAIN By Ray Curry, Secretary-Treasurer, UAW Over the past weeks across the nation, united demonstrations have made the message clear: People have had enough of the ongoing struggle for equality and equity, of the battle against systemic injustice, and the fear of being a person of color in America.
The Spring 2020 edition of Solidarity magazine is now online! The latest edition of Solidarity magazine salutes our own heroes who are fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in a variety of ways, from courageously going back to the plants to make PPE and ventilators to volunteering in the community and much more.