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If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization f

In accordance with the 2023 National Agreement between the UAW and General Motors, the UAW-GM Scholarship for Dependent Children was established. This benefit became effective upon the ratification of the contract on November 20th, 2023.

UAW Family, the holidays can be a challenge for some members.  Please remember to check-in with fellow members.  

Holiday Stress Survival Guide - HERE 

The Big 3 Special Issue of Solidarity Magazine is now online! You can download it here, and share it with fellow UAW members.

We are excited to bring you the latest edition of this historic publication. Solidarity Magazine has long been a wonderful tool to inform UAW members of all the happenings going on, not only in our union, but across the labor movement.

In this issue:

Use this LINK to find UAW endorsed candidates in your area.  Candidates must make a request for endorsement and then go through a screening process by local UAW members.  The primary focus during screening is not to find candidates who focus on sensational ideas, or the current trending divisive topic, but to ensure that a candidate will support working class principles.  These include; growing jobs, fair wages and benefits, Health & Safety, and Education.