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If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization f

Providing heating assistance to Michigan families Detroit - UAW President Rory L. Gamble has been unanimously elected to serve on the Board of Directors of THAW, The Heat and Warmth Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, that has been helping to keep Michigan families warm through utility assistance since 1985. THAW provides assistance to vulnerable Michigan residents through 39 agency partners and a series of annual mobile processing events. Since its inception in 1985, THAW has distributed over $190 million in assistance to more than 256,000 Michigan households. Last year, THAW distributed more than $15 million in utility assistance to nearly 18,000 Michigan households, helping families stay warm in the winter and protecting them against water shutoffs.
Photo by Detroit News Archives Originally posted on By Rory L. Gamble With images of an insurrection at our nation’s Capitol this month, we all are experiencing a nation divided like none of us has ever seen. We are divided by politics. By opinions. By economics. By beliefs. The cause? Well, that is up for debate. What isn’t up for debate is that this is a time to look to — and take heart in — the words of President John F. Kennedy and heed the warning of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. that healing our nation starts with us. Each of us must personally seek to find what unites us and foster that, bond with it, build upon it, so that we can move forward to a better place for us all.

Detroit - “Hand on Bible, in the seat of the world’s longest democratic republic, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took an oath that carries the hopes and dreams of all Americans to rise from the COVID-19 challenge, our economic challenges and our national division.

Sisters and Brothers,

This week we will see a new Administration sworn into office in Washington, D.C.

With the Biden/Harris presidency, we will see the nation’s first female, and biracial Vice President along with a cabinet that promises to be the most diverse ever. And they will be joining a Congress that is the most diverse in our nation’s history.

Tune in Saturday, January 16th at 7pm for America United: An Inauguration Welcome Event Celebrating America's Changemakers. The event will kick off the inaugural festivities with musical performances and messages from leaders across the country, including UAW President Rory L. Gamble.

DETROIT - “Wayne County made a strong decision today to elevate Chief Deputy Ray Washington to fill Benny Napoleon's unexpired term as Wayne County Sheriff. Benny understood that policing required diligence, professionalism and compassion as we navigate some very serious economic and societal pressures. Ray will bring continuity, integrity and an understanding of community public service to this crucial role. The UAW congratulates Ray Washington on his appointment as Wayne County Sheriff.”

DETROIT - “Today’s selection of Boston Mayor Marty Walsh puts a labor member, long-time administrator and friend of working families in a very important but often underappreciated agency. There is much work to be done to re-establish the rightful role of the Labor Department from a period of ideological attack on working families and labor workplace protections. For the last four years, the labor protection mechanisms at the Labor Department and the appointees of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) have been dominated by anti-worker ideologues.

“UAW members worked hard in Georgia during the runoff election. Today’s election results in Georgia signal that obstructionism in Washington, D.C will end. These results also clearly signal that the American people expect Congress to work with President Elect Joe Biden on behalf of working families in this country regardless of ideology through the narrow majority in both chambers. It’s time to find common ground with the Biden Administration for the sake of UAW members at their worksites, on the factory floor, and in their communities.”